You can get your Festivus Pole here.
Instapundit: "Ah, there’s nothing like seeing the little kids’ eyes light up when you bring one of these beauties into the living room. . . ."
Yeah, I didn't know what Festivus was, either, until I clicked here. And here. Oh, and here.
Monday, December 01, 2008
This site lists ships that are anywhere in the world, where they're going, plus lots of other cool information. They are ships equipped with AIS (Automatic Identification System), and they are used for collision avoidance and emergency locating.
There is a downside - pirates out of Somalia are also using the system to pinpoint their targets, using the same technology. Hanging is too good for some people.
This site lists ships that are anywhere in the world, where they're going, plus lots of other cool information. They are ships equipped with AIS (Automatic Identification System), and they are used for collision avoidance and emergency locating.
There is a downside - pirates out of Somalia are also using the system to pinpoint their targets, using the same technology. Hanging is too good for some people.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Time Magazine is just gone gone. Here are the first words of reporter Nancy Gibbs defining the Obama Victory:
Banana Republic, here we come.
Time Magazine is just gone gone. Here are the first words of reporter Nancy Gibbs defining the Obama Victory:
Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope.Other Democratic spokesmen have talked about how Obama will 'rule' the United States.
Banana Republic, here we come.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I don't need Barack Obama's help to "spread the wealth around." I spread my wealth around every time I hire somebody, expand my business, or just go to the general store and buy a quart of milk and loaf of bread.Note that he's talking about spreading the wealth to people who earn it. Read the rest here.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I never liked the colors of my blog, and it was time to freshen it up. Also, I now have ads! Please check them out from time to time, and if you're interested in what you see, please click on them!
Maybe this will get me to post more often.
And no, no comments allowed (yet). I just don't have the time to keep up with them, and I'm easily baited into comment 'debates'. In the meantime, if you want to comment, just send me an email.
I never liked the colors of my blog, and it was time to freshen it up. Also, I now have ads! Please check them out from time to time, and if you're interested in what you see, please click on them!
Maybe this will get me to post more often.
And no, no comments allowed (yet). I just don't have the time to keep up with them, and I'm easily baited into comment 'debates'. In the meantime, if you want to comment, just send me an email.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Well, surprising no one, Barack Obama is our President Elect. Congratulations to him and best of luck to his administration. He will be inheriting a struggling economy, and a rising tide of Islamo-fascist terrorism in the Middle East and Europe. With 51% of the vote, he doesn’t have a mandate. But he’ll have a compliant Congress ready to do his bidding.
I’m not happy about some of the way he handled his campaign. There are clearly fund-raising and get-out-the-vote irregularities that really need to be investigated, but they won’t. I’m pretty convinced that Ohio was stolen. But other states weren’t, and McCain didn’t do what was necessary to get his message out to the voters.
Without question, Obama will be the most politically liberal man ever to occupy the White House. He will certainly allow the Bush tax cuts to lapse, which in combination with his redistribution agenda will certainly drag down the economy even further. Iraq better be ready; he will almost certainly pull troop out and if he keeps his word will cut military spending 25%. And while I don’t expect universal health care to have that much traction, expect no improvement in the health care area.
With gas prices returning to a semblance of normalcy, energy issues will be less prominent, but ‘cap and trade’ policies will hurt energy production and increase prices. And if he embraces Kyoto and other global warming protocols, we can expect unprecedented economic challenges.
Republicans put themselves in the wilderness when they acted like drunken teenagers with Dad’s sports car in the 2001-2004 Congress. They abandoned the conservative principles that swept them into office in the first place, and it cost them. The Democrats haven’t been any better, but with a compliant media they don’t have to be. Until the Republican party and it's leadership can embrace a conservative methodology and focus the voters with a solid message, we can expect them to be out there for a long time to come.
Until that time comes, how much can Obama do? As a Marxist (by his own words), quite a bit. Look at Venezuela. It was a free country when populist Hugo Chavez took power as president. Now the country is a basket case, kept alive only because it sells oil to the U.S. He shut down newspapers and TV stations. Nationalized the oil industry. Can Obama do that? We got a taste of what he is capable of doing when he sent his operatives to Missouri, and his response to the Orlando TV station when they didn’t do the usual puff piece on Joe Biden. Now there is talk of reviving the “fairness doctrine,” which will stifle free speech in the radio markets, and there may even be moves to shut down political speech on the internet (including this feeble site!). The Democrats have power again, and we’ve seen that they will do what it takes to keep it.
It’s going to get rough.
Well, surprising no one, Barack Obama is our President Elect. Congratulations to him and best of luck to his administration. He will be inheriting a struggling economy, and a rising tide of Islamo-fascist terrorism in the Middle East and Europe. With 51% of the vote, he doesn’t have a mandate. But he’ll have a compliant Congress ready to do his bidding.
I’m not happy about some of the way he handled his campaign. There are clearly fund-raising and get-out-the-vote irregularities that really need to be investigated, but they won’t. I’m pretty convinced that Ohio was stolen. But other states weren’t, and McCain didn’t do what was necessary to get his message out to the voters.
Without question, Obama will be the most politically liberal man ever to occupy the White House. He will certainly allow the Bush tax cuts to lapse, which in combination with his redistribution agenda will certainly drag down the economy even further. Iraq better be ready; he will almost certainly pull troop out and if he keeps his word will cut military spending 25%. And while I don’t expect universal health care to have that much traction, expect no improvement in the health care area.
With gas prices returning to a semblance of normalcy, energy issues will be less prominent, but ‘cap and trade’ policies will hurt energy production and increase prices. And if he embraces Kyoto and other global warming protocols, we can expect unprecedented economic challenges.
Republicans put themselves in the wilderness when they acted like drunken teenagers with Dad’s sports car in the 2001-2004 Congress. They abandoned the conservative principles that swept them into office in the first place, and it cost them. The Democrats haven’t been any better, but with a compliant media they don’t have to be. Until the Republican party and it's leadership can embrace a conservative methodology and focus the voters with a solid message, we can expect them to be out there for a long time to come.
Until that time comes, how much can Obama do? As a Marxist (by his own words), quite a bit. Look at Venezuela. It was a free country when populist Hugo Chavez took power as president. Now the country is a basket case, kept alive only because it sells oil to the U.S. He shut down newspapers and TV stations. Nationalized the oil industry. Can Obama do that? We got a taste of what he is capable of doing when he sent his operatives to Missouri, and his response to the Orlando TV station when they didn’t do the usual puff piece on Joe Biden. Now there is talk of reviving the “fairness doctrine,” which will stifle free speech in the radio markets, and there may even be moves to shut down political speech on the internet (including this feeble site!). The Democrats have power again, and we’ve seen that they will do what it takes to keep it.
It’s going to get rough.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Hardly had to wait, too. I call in about every 5 years, so it was time. I wanted to talk about the Democrat-backed bill that would create unions from open elections. Currently to become a union, there is a secret ballot. Union organizers want to do away with all that stuff. Intimidation factor? Nahhhh....
Anyway, here's how I opened with Neal:
Hardly had to wait, too. I call in about every 5 years, so it was time. I wanted to talk about the Democrat-backed bill that would create unions from open elections. Currently to become a union, there is a secret ballot. Union organizers want to do away with all that stuff. Intimidation factor? Nahhhh....
Anyway, here's how I opened with Neal:
ME: Hi, Neal. You should know that if Obama wins, I'm moving to a more conservative country - like, France.
NB: Oh, do like Alec Baldwin, huh?
ME: Exactly.
NB: 'A conservative country like France...' heh heh....
I'm gonna vote for Palin and that other guy.
Heh: "Vote for McCain, he may win."
UPDATE: My polling precinct is PACKED. Gonna try after lunch.
Another heh: Mark Steyn reports that early results are in.
I'm gonna vote for Palin and that other guy.
Heh: "Vote for McCain, he may win."
UPDATE: My polling precinct is PACKED. Gonna try after lunch.
Another heh: Mark Steyn reports that early results are in.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Obama will explain how he will spend the $700 billion bailout money, on Wednesday. Ben Smith has the details.
Also up, on Wednesday, Obama will solve the global warming problem, establish peace in the Middle East, and establish 100% employment in the U.S.
Obama will explain how he will spend the $700 billion bailout money, on Wednesday. Ben Smith has the details.
Also up, on Wednesday, Obama will solve the global warming problem, establish peace in the Middle East, and establish 100% employment in the U.S.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
After some questionable performances, such as engaging in an interview that finally asked some straight questions about Obama and campaign, and after well, talking without a script, again, VP candidate Joe Biden has been leashed.
I think if I knew Biden personally, politics aside, I would like him. As a politician, though, he's a bit clueless.
After some questionable performances, such as engaging in an interview that finally asked some straight questions about Obama and campaign, and after well, talking without a script, again, VP candidate Joe Biden has been leashed.
I think if I knew Biden personally, politics aside, I would like him. As a politician, though, he's a bit clueless.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Quite a few folks say, well, no:
Summary: Philip J. Berg has brought a lawsuit in Philadelphia has not proven his American citizenship and is therefore disqualified from running for office.
Now, Mr. Berg has his own issues, and I'm kind of in the crowd that might be willing to give Obama the shadow of the doubt, but there are lingering questions. However, the case was dismissed on Friday.
The reason: Because Mr. Berg "lacked standing", and any harm that would come from an ineligible candidate was "too vague and its effects too attenuated to confer standing on any and all voters."
Lacked standing? Other than being an American citizen, how can one not have standing to demand that a candidate prove their citizenship as required by the Constitution???
Also, that judge (who was appointed by Clinton, BTW), indicated that any potential harm from an ineligible candidate was "too vague"? So, the natural born requirement is unenforceable?
This stuff is just bizarre - all around.
UPDATE: Even Michelle Malkin isn't touching this one, considering the evidence (see this link). I'm willing to move on, too.
Quite a few folks say, well, no:
Summary: Philip J. Berg has brought a lawsuit in Philadelphia has not proven his American citizenship and is therefore disqualified from running for office.
Now, Mr. Berg has his own issues, and I'm kind of in the crowd that might be willing to give Obama the shadow of the doubt, but there are lingering questions. However, the case was dismissed on Friday.
The reason: Because Mr. Berg "lacked standing", and any harm that would come from an ineligible candidate was "too vague and its effects too attenuated to confer standing on any and all voters."
Lacked standing? Other than being an American citizen, how can one not have standing to demand that a candidate prove their citizenship as required by the Constitution???
Also, that judge (who was appointed by Clinton, BTW), indicated that any potential harm from an ineligible candidate was "too vague"? So, the natural born requirement is unenforceable?
This stuff is just bizarre - all around.
UPDATE: Even Michelle Malkin isn't touching this one, considering the evidence (see this link). I'm willing to move on, too.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Who is Neal Hefti, you ask? Why, none other than the composer of the most memorable song of my childhood: The Batman Theme!
In the LA Times' Obituary (linked above), he says it took him a month to write the theme. Must have been one hell of a case of writer's cramp. Let's go over the lyrics of that unforgettable classic:
Interestingly, he also scored the Odd Couple theme. Passed away, age 85.
Who is Neal Hefti, you ask? Why, none other than the composer of the most memorable song of my childhood: The Batman Theme!
In the LA Times' Obituary (linked above), he says it took him a month to write the theme. Must have been one hell of a case of writer's cramp. Let's go over the lyrics of that unforgettable classic:
(dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum -- dum dum dum dum dum dum dum)
BATMAN! (dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum)
BATMAN! (dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum)
BATMAN! (dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum)
BATMAN! (dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum)
BATMAN...BATMAN...BATMAN! (well, you get the dum-dum part)
Interestingly, he also scored the Odd Couple theme. Passed away, age 85.
Friday, October 17, 2008
A great piece from Jim Manzi on how Wall Street works, and what's going on today.
A great piece from Jim Manzi on how Wall Street works, and what's going on today.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Yeah, I caught it, while waiting on a new battery for my car. The most inspiring words since Jimmy Carter told us to turn down our thermostats from his fireside chats.
I don't know, I guess I'm still just MASSIVELY ticked off about this bailout. "The Federal Reserve has injected hundreds of billions of dollars into the system...?" And if this is such a great idea, why did we wait for a crisis to do it? I'll tell you why: to prevent inflation.
The REAL question is, are the credit markets reticent because there is TOO much money in the economy, or not enough? Too much means inflation is on the way, enabling banks to be repaid with dollars worth less than what was lent out. Not enough means that the economy is contracting - and banks don't want to put money into business or ventures that won't pan out or repay them. You know, like the real estate market. Either way, Wall Street is now on shaky ground.
I know if you took all the economists in the world, and laid them end-to-end, you will never reach a conclusion. But fiddling with the marketplace with this bailout just messes up the financial cues that the market relies on to prosper.
Yeah, I caught it, while waiting on a new battery for my car. The most inspiring words since Jimmy Carter told us to turn down our thermostats from his fireside chats.
I don't know, I guess I'm still just MASSIVELY ticked off about this bailout. "The Federal Reserve has injected hundreds of billions of dollars into the system...?" And if this is such a great idea, why did we wait for a crisis to do it? I'll tell you why: to prevent inflation.
The REAL question is, are the credit markets reticent because there is TOO much money in the economy, or not enough? Too much means inflation is on the way, enabling banks to be repaid with dollars worth less than what was lent out. Not enough means that the economy is contracting - and banks don't want to put money into business or ventures that won't pan out or repay them. You know, like the real estate market. Either way, Wall Street is now on shaky ground.
I know if you took all the economists in the world, and laid them end-to-end, you will never reach a conclusion. But fiddling with the marketplace with this bailout just messes up the financial cues that the market relies on to prosper.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Thanks for nothing, Congress (and Mr. President). In spite of Rep. Linder's efforts, a pork-laden bailout plan passes Congress - and President Bush signs the bill quickly. Totally ignoring my warnings (see below). Wall Street, knowing that bending the rules of the Free Market and Economics 101 doesn't do them any good in the long run, reacted accordingly.
Meanwhile, AIG has a little celebration.
Friday, October 03, 2008
No, I didn't watch them - I'll review excerpts later. But the reviews are coming in.
A USA Today editorial calls the debate a draw. In MSM-speak, that means it was a TKO for Palin.
No, I didn't watch them - I'll review excerpts later. But the reviews are coming in.
A USA Today editorial calls the debate a draw. In MSM-speak, that means it was a TKO for Palin.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
This article got me mad. So I wrote my Congressman:
This article got me mad. So I wrote my Congressman:
Dear Representative Linder,
It is a rare moment when I am moved enough to write Congress, so please understand the sincerity of my words when I say that the Bailout bill, as passed by the Senate yesterday, is far worse than the original bill that you voted NO on earlier this week. (Thank you, by the way.)
I completely agree with you that some form of relief must be passed. However, the Senate bill, laden with projects and spending that are not germane to our financial crisis, does not approach addressing the problem.
I am not naive enough to believe that the final cost to taxpayers will be $700 billion. In addition, the infusion of cash from the US Treasury will distort the financial markets, increase the risk of inflation, and does nothing to prevent this fiasco from happening again.
I have every confidence that you agree with me on these points. Please communicate to your fellow Congressmen (and our Senators) that any solution must include a fresh look at the government relationship with our financial institutions, the current regulations that facilitate graft and market distortions, and hold those who caused this mess accountable.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
The I-35W bridge in Minneapolis, which collapsed last year, has already reopened. Months ahead of the planned Christmas Eve date, which detractors said couldn't be done. Read the article to see how it was done. Anyone who has responsibility for heavy-lifting projects like this one should pay attention.
The I-35W bridge in Minneapolis, which collapsed last year, has already reopened. Months ahead of the planned Christmas Eve date, which detractors said couldn't be done. Read the article to see how it was done. Anyone who has responsibility for heavy-lifting projects like this one should pay attention.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Kennedy: I propose that we send a man to walk on the moon.
Science Advisor: But that will take 10 years to happen!
Kennedy: Really? Oh, never mind, then.
Kennedy: I propose that we send a man to walk on the moon.
Science Advisor: But that will take 10 years to happen!
Kennedy: Really? Oh, never mind, then.
Monday, August 04, 2008
I think this is kinda cool:
I think this is kinda cool:
It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center .
It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions th at include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines...
Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the ‘hair on my neck stood up.’ ‘It had a big meaning to it for all of us,’ he said. ‘They knocked us down. They can’t keep us down. We’re going to be back.’
The ship’s motto? ‘Never Forget’
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Derek Lowe has published a series of short articles on "Things I Won't Work With," and after you read these technically detailed but humorous segments, you'll see why. If you eyes glaze over reading about anions, boiling points, and other fun aspects of organic chemistry, you may not want to check out this link. But the scientifically curious should go ahead and click here.
Derek Lowe has published a series of short articles on "Things I Won't Work With," and after you read these technically detailed but humorous segments, you'll see why. If you eyes glaze over reading about anions, boiling points, and other fun aspects of organic chemistry, you may not want to check out this link. But the scientifically curious should go ahead and click here.
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